To Be Reunited.

“You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you.”
– Frederick Buechner


This quote summarizes what I did when I headed to America. I left everyone behind. I made the choice to pursue my dream, regardless of how far away it took me. I opted to sacrifice my physical closeness to my family, the possibilities of visits, home cooked meals, a cuddle from my mother, all to achieve my ambition. I left myself vulnerable to homesickness, culture shock and having to be somewhat isolated from the support network I had depended upon for the majority of my life. But do I regret it? Not one bit. As the quote states, I was able to have my family, my friends, my home all in my heart. I may have been physically parted, but not one day has gone by when they haven’t been in my heart. It has been a struggle, there have been hard days, but it has been worth it. By putting people in your heart, you ensure they are with you always. I have never really left my family or loved ones, because I know they’ve been behind me every step of the way.. And Thursday morning I will be reunited. My mother and father are flying to visit me for the first time this semester. I have been apart for four months. I have experienced surgery, pain, struggles during this period, and now, all of that is worth it. I have survived, and now, when I am reunited they will see the strength I have learnt from my experiences, the hardships I have endured at times, and now, the happiness I have achieved. While I miss them greatly, the fact I am more excited for them to come here, and see the happiness and PLACE OF BELONGING I have found in America demonstrates to me, quite what America means to me. It is my home, and to have my family here, means the world. I cannot wait to show them around, and for them to share the experience of a lifetime with me.

Moving to America, in many ways, was the hardest decision I made of my life. Sacrifices, leaving things behind, effecting other people, it was tough, but it was also the best choice I made. No pain or sacrifice is too large to not pursue your dreams. Never wonder what if, it’s better to try to never know. It sure paid off for me.

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