Back To School…

Aviary Photo_130207904788961190I have been so caught up in the manic training schedule for soccer, that I had almost let myself forget about the second, and equally important reason that I am here in the states… To get a University degree.

My first lecture was in College Algebra. The American system for University is very different to back h


ome. Despite wanting to major in law, I must take basic classes in all subjects first to ensure I have a basic understanding of all areas of academia.. I hadn’t done maths since GCSE so was a little anxious about the level. I entered my first lecture hall and I was by far the youngest there. It would appear that because of my high SAT maths score and solid A* at Maths GCSE I have been face tracked into one of the more advanced maths class, surrounded by juniors and seniors and a large lady who must have been about 4 x my age… My lecturer entered, wearing a pink shirt and purple bow tie… He had a personality to match. It looks like waking up for an 8am maths class may not be too tough at all with such a humorous teacher..

DSCN0113Back to my room after my first lesson, I checked my mailbox.. Nothing from home yet (disappointingly), but my surprise present for my roommates birthday had arrived. Only 2 days late, but it’s better late than never.. A Norwegian flag to join my Union Jack to represent the international house hold we live in!

A few hours to chill for the first time since I’ve arrived here. Met up with a new friend from the college, Demario. He literally has to be the nicest guy ever. He seems to have an obsession with my accent however, making me repeat the word “France” about 1000 times. We played a bit of snooker, I of course took it so seriously and won…

My second class, pre-modern History. In my class, an English guy I knew from back home who coincidentally signed for the same college as me. I seemed to geek out everyone with my knowledge of the carbon dating. Class seems to be pretty decent at the moment so I’m looking forward to getting into a routine with soccer too.. Now for an ice bath.DSCN0118

My first ice bath experience was quite something. The initial shock of the cold is horrendous. It literally takes your breath away. As a team mate encouraged me to dip my whole lower body in, I almost couldn’t breath. After a while though, numbness kicks in and it becomes refreshing. Once my 15 minutes were up, I got out the bath with “jelly legs”. 10 minutes later my “jelly legs” had transformed into brand new, fresh legs. It is marvelous. All my tightness appears to have gone and I’m now excited for tomorrows training session.

The ice bath wasn’t my only first.. I also did my laundry for the first time. I am almost ashamed to admit that when I was back home, my mum did all my washing. Today, for the first time in my life, I put washing powder in the washing machine, sorted my whites and colours, and turned on the machine. Mum, I hope you’re proud. I dedicate my clean kit to you…

Hope everyone’s well. Missing you all xx

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